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Me at Sharkey's restaurant at Panama City Beach, Florida






About Me Greeting Cards Betty Boop Links/Banners
Flash Movies Betty's first movie Local Sites in Panama City
My Banner Email Me    


My Message To All

Quote: "But if we are living in the light of God's presence, just as Christ does, then we have wonderful fellowship and joy with each other, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every sin." I John 1:7

About me

Hi! My name is Glenda. I enjoy watching action movies, working on my Betty Boop site and listening to all types of music: classical, light rock, latin beat, and jazz. But most of the time I especially like Christian rock music. My husband and I love to fish for salt water fish in the Florida Panhandle.  See my Betty's Fishing Corner link on my Enter Into Boop-ness page. I'm still an artist at heart and once in a while I will do a Betty Boop drawing (I take requests, but no porn) or an animated gif to post on the net. Click on this link to see my animated Betty Boop Art Book.  I also like to collect Boopabelia stuff if it isn't too expensive - but it is most of the time.

In 2003 we bought a new house in Panama City, FL. I've become really involved in landscaping my property. I belong to a couple of Yahoo Groups along this line: the Palm Society and Landscaping 101 . I don't know why ~ I just love palm trees. They represent the good life in the tropics & beauty to me. And of course I appreciate other beautiful trees, flowers & gardens. I am also hanging out at a new Group: Betty Boop Pen Pals . So come & step into my world for a short moment. I hope you enjoy yourself.

 View some photos that I've taken of Panama City and neighboring areas, click here.

If you need a friend to talk to, I would like to listen. If you would like some advise, please email me at or post to my "Ask Betty" Advise Board .

If you can't tell by now, I have faith in God and Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Christians can't help but let their light spill out into the darkness. He is the only true Hope in this world of violence and chaos. If you will be still before Him and ask Him to, He will come into your heart and life. You will never be the same and you will have a one way ticket to heaven. I hope to see you there!


Have you experienced Jesus coming into your life & making you a whole person?

Do you have that 'blessed hope' as the bible puts it, that if you should die today

that you know where you will spend eternity?

Jesus died for you!  Ask Him to come into your heart & life.

He will meet you if you take the first step!

See links below to view flash movies and other related sites 

Mel Gibson's "The Passion" Links   Movie Info, Cast & Crew, Reviews, Other Links  
Mel Gibson's "The Passion" Movie Stills   Movie Stills   Flash Movies: The Crucifixion,  The Resurrection, & More. A very good site!!   Facts,Questions & answers about Jesus Great Site!!  
Interview With God   Flash Movie
God Is Light   Flash Movie: If you like the ocean & lighthouses, you'll love this site!


How much religion do you need to get to heaven? "As we live with Christ, our love grows more perfect and complete; so we will not be ashamed and embarrassed at the day of judgment, but can face him with confidence and joy, because he loves us and we love him too. We need no fear of someone who loves us perfectly...If you believe that Jesus is the Christ-that he is God's Son and your Savior-then you are a child of God." I John 4:17,19&5:1 The Living Bible

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All Occasion Greeting Cards

Glenda's Betty Boop E-cards   from Enter Into Boopness

Funny & Silly Greetings

Wilstar Electronic Greeting Cards

Message Mates (animated - ONE OF MY FAVORITES!)

Greeting-Cards (animated)

Hallmark Connection. Find the perfect gift as well as send a card!

River Songs

Yahoo Greetings

Holiday & Seasonal


     Betty Boop's first screen appearance  

"Dizzy Dishes"


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Betty Boop Links








An easy going Yahoo Boop group created to

 stay in touch with Boopers and of course to

swap Boop pics & stats.


This is a good site. Sometimes the links

 are a bit hidden. It's fun to visit.

Rita makes all of the Betty Boops that

appear on her site. She's a very

talented lady & good friend.


This is a fairly new site. I found the history

to be interesting.


Angela or "Ang" makes her living inpersonating Betty Boop & selling Boop slot machines. You can download her voice. She does a good job!


This site is updated regularly with some cute

overall interests.


Mike is also a talented Booper with a nice

collection of which he makes some of his web

art from. He's also a poet with some very

intriguing writings.


Good site. She has some fresh artistic

Boop themed pages.





Other Boop links:




Betty Boop T-shirts & Collectibles
Little Shy's Boop Site
Latina's Boop Slide Show
Anja's Betty Boop Site
Brandy's Betty Boop Site

Pics from Panama City, FLorida

A girl learns to boogie board The Sharkey's restaurant parasailing ride

St. Andrews State Park's

inlet & lagoon area


Neighboring Destin Beach

Lagoon at St. Andrews State Park

Bob checks out Dead Lake


Local seaguls. Boys boogie board at Panama City Beach.

We love to see the pelicans

diving for fish, flying, or just

hanging around.


Hooks Restaurant near the marina (3 levels). Panama City beach from the pier in St. Andrews Park. Now you see why it's called the 'Emerald Coast'.

A pirate ship cruise that

departs next to Hooks

restaurant at left.

To Betty Boop's " Enter Into Boop-ness " site

To Bob's Dinosaur Den

Feel free to post my Betty Boop banner on your site. Email me with your great Boop site.


See you at the Yahoo! Betty Boop Group


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Betty Boop, Bimbo, Pudgy, and Koko are owned by, copyrighted by, and licensed trade marks of KING FEATURES SYNDICATE Inc. and FLEISCHER STUDIOS, Inc.. All images of Betty Boop, Bimbo, Pudgy, and Koko are copyrighted by King Features Syndicate




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