Caitie's Epilepsy Page

Hi, this is Kari and Caitie. We wanted to create a page to see who we could meet.

Caitie has been diagnosed with Complex Partial Seizures with Secondary Generalization. Neither one of us knows anyone else with epilepsy. So, we thought this would be a fun way to meet other people with similar circumstances.
She is going to kill me for some of these pictures!
Caitie is 11 years old. She loves music and singing. Some of her favorite music is; The Backstreet Boys (loves Nick!), N'SYNC, Mariah Carey, Brittney Spears, Cher, Ricky Martin, etc.
She also is a cheerleader and a gymnast. She loves all athletic activities. On our second page (Link Below) we have her condition and medications listed.
Caitie would like to try to stay being a regular kid, but for now she is restricted from some of her favorite activities. Which, as you can imagine, has her down in the dumps sometimes.
She is restricted from heights until she has been seizure free for six months. Which means no more climbing trees, no gymnastics except for floor exercise, and even restrictions from the playground equipment at school. She also can not play any contact sports, which really irratates her, because she wants to get on to her big brother's football team. She loves football. Her favorite team is the NY Giants (yeah, I know!).
We would love to hear from other kids who could share some of the feelings Caitie has about having epilepsy or just to talk about things they like. I would also love to hear from other parents about their feelings on having a child with epilepsy. So email us if you are one of those people
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