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Whats New?

There Is A New Spiritual Revolution!. Humankind has finally reached the threshold of integrity
and has evolved a new species. This marks a very crucial point in history as according to Dr
Hawkins author of Power Vs Force. The consciousness of mankind has stood at 190 for centuries
but in the late eighties it jumped to 205 and progressed again to 207 last year. Indeed more
and more people are joining the spiritual revolution. You can be a part of this by raising your
spiritual energy. There is no other method that impacts human kind like spiritual work.

The more of us that engage our spiritual will the faster the overall human consciousness
advances. The higher the human consciousness the better the world becomes. On this page I
have listed a few websites where you can gain the information on where to start.

How To Measure Your Consciousness:

Dr R Hawkins has formulated the Map of Consciousness, which rates Consciousness from Level 0
which is death to 1000, which is Christhood, Buddha hood.
Using Kinesiology or Muscle testing you can determine where you are on this Map. The higher up
the more spiritually advanced you are. Some of the great sages such as Ramana Maharshi,
Gandhi and Mother Teresa calibrate in the 700s

How To Raise Your Consciousness:

There are many ways to do this. The simpler the method, the better. Generally you do not need
to purchase any program to do it. There are several techniques? You can use the energy based
Methods, which are free such as EFT, BSSF or use the various release techniques such as
Sedona method or the release technique. Other methods include the Contemplative meditation
methods such as the way of the bird or Ishaya technique. However I find a Combination of Eft,
BSSF and Sedona method to be most Appropriate for beginners. They allow you to start
experiencing some freedom, which enables you to see Instantaneous results and thus more
encouragement to keep at it.

The works of Dr Hawkins will definitely keep you yearning for spiritual nourishment.
The best Work to start your study with is the book power vs. Force. In it there is the map of
consciousness and how to move up the scale. You can also keep abreast on his on going work
by joining his yahoo groups and also there’s free audio of his interviews links at the bottom of
this page.

Why It’s Important To Raise Your Consciousness:

The Consciousness of mankind recently advanced from 190 To 207, which means the critical
point of 200, which is the level of integrity, was surpassed. The more people raise their
consciousness level the more the overall Consciousness is raised. In fact all of mans effort at
Bringing peace on earth all depend on it. If you feel this resonates with you then you are on the
right path. Here's a
great place to begin your Spiritual journey from.

Enjoy the journey and God bless!


Please feel free to write me


| Dr Hawkins Interviews | Dr Hawkins Discussion Group | Discuss Power Vs Force | Veritas Publishing | Free EFT Manual| Emotional
management | Way Of The Bird | How Much Joy can You Handle? | Soul Journey Retreats | Swim With Dolphins | The Best of Hawaii
