Last updated: April 18, 2005










Siwash Native Resources
812 S. Pacific Hwy, #2
Talent, OR    97540
(541) 535-2246

SIWASH   is a training organization whose purpose is to overcome cultural barriers to effective and culturally appropriate substance abuse prevention and treatment for Native Americans in urban, rural, and reservation settings.

The Menu (at left) will take you to:

Philosophy & Methods

     Evidence from research and the scientific literature regarding "What Works" with the dominant non-Native population, with all minority populations, and specifically with American Indians/Alaskan Natives/First Nations people.
     Siwash's adaption of the traditional Four Circles Healing Process for wellness and recovery.

Cultural Competency

     Background and Resources regarding the Counseling and Cultural Competencies.
     Do's & Dont's for those working with Native clients.

Workshops, Trainings, Consultations

     Lists and descriptions of services for: counselors, agencies/organizations, conferences, higher education, communities, and recovering individuals.

    1/2 off all trainings & workshops!
    A private Native donor will pay for half (only until Sept. '05) of trainings of 2 or more days in length, in order to support the widest possible dispersal of this information (especially, The Four Circles Healing Process).
    Go to "Discounts & Scholarships" under Booking Info on our website for more info to book your training, now.


     Background and resumes for our lead trainers.

Booking Info

     Info about site requirements, fees, scheduling, and such.
     Check out the 50% discount until Sept. '05 for qualifying groups.


     Downloads, Links, Bibliographies, Recommended Reading.
     Workbooks, Training Syllabi, DVD's of trainings & conferences, Books, etc...

Read about Siwash's background in  HISTORY

This website is designed and maintained to promote equitable and effective treatment for Native Americans and those with Native American cultural practices and beliefs.


Raven and First Men by Bill Reid

(click on the right facing salmon at the
bottom of their site to go through the
entire story and process of this carving)

We chose this graphic image of emergence because it best represents how we see the recovery/healing process. The process is part of the journey of being a human. We sometimes find ourselves trapped in real difficulty. With the help of our guides (like Raven) and Elders we are able to emerge from these difficulties with "new eyes."

Click here for more on the story of Raven and First Men.

For more on Bill Reid, pictures of this carving, and more on his life and art.