Wisdom Is The Principal Thing
A Bible commentary and interpretation by Willeum

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5,6
It's not wise to consider yourself wise. Only God, the LORD, is wise. All wisdom comes from Him and His mind. Therefore, fear The Lord: this is how you will safely escape trouble. By "fear the lord" I mean, gladly give Him His rightful honor and rightful respect. Make it your pleasure to do so and be very afraid not to. Understand that this is the natural order. Nature will reak its revenge upon you if you do not fear The LORD in this way. Acknowledge Him in everything. Becuase He is Almighty God. Thinking yourself to be wise is evil. By evil I mean trouble. In other words, evil will come upon you, overtake you, and control you, causing you to radiate a tainted vibe. Your mind will be evil and everything you affect will be affected by this curse if you choose to believe the self-taught lie of your own wisdom.
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The Wisdom of Proverbs 3
Never forget this law (these concepts as a whole). Bury it as a seed or a root, deep within. Make it your heart. Make it the source of all your intentions, from now on, and forever. These rules will increase the fulness of your days, the length of your life, and the quality of your living. I promise.[1,2]
Embrace mercy, which is the opposite of judgement and condemnation, and embrace Truth, which is the foundation of all things created, pure knowledge, pure science, pure integrity. Make these two things extremely important to you. Never lose them. Never let them get away from you. Carve them into your being. "Write them upon the table of your heart." This will ensure that you always find favor with God, with Nature, with the Universe, and with people; always. If you find yourself losing favor with people and getting on nature's bad side, a deficit in the area of mercy and truth could very well be your problem. [3,4]