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Dennis Robbins Ph.D., M.P.H. is a well-known and respected keynote speaker and advisor on legal and ethical issues in managed care.  He is President of Integrated, Decisions, Ethics, Alternatives, and Solutions (I.D.E.A.S.).  He is the author of eight books, most recently, Weaving Wellness Into the Mainstream: New Frontiers in Integrative Medicine, Managed Care on Trial: Recapturing Trust, Integrity and Accountability, Integrating Managed Care and Ethics: Transforming Challenges into Positive Outcomes, and Ethical and Legal Issues in Home Health and Long Term Care.

Dr. Robbins' panoramic perspective, advanced training, and education in medical and health care system ethics and law coupled with his breadth of experience distinguishes him as a leading influence in the field.  He is also interested in exploring ethical issues in complementary and alternative medicine.  His attention has recently shifted and been broadened from issues attendant to payment systems in managed care to examining and promoting alternative philosophies of caring based on looking towards the cause of disease as well as towards wellness and longevity. Dr. Robbins has keynoted such national healthcare meetings and congresses as the National Managed Health Care Congress, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations, National Disease Management Congress, International Managed Care Congress, Healthcare Financial Management Association, National Long Term Care and Home Health and Case Management Associations.  He has delivered more than 1000 lectures nationally over the past twenty years and is listed as one of the top 100 speakers by the Governance Institute.

Dennis was a National Fund for Medical Education Fellow in Harvard's Kennedy Interfaculty Program in Medical Ethics in the Department of Legal Medicine as well as a Visiting Scholar and later a Research Fellow in Medical Ethics.  His academic involvement includes serving on several editorial boards and advisory committees as well as serving as a Medical School President.  He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at Loyola Medical School.