The Generations Center, LLC

                                                                                                                                                            © Generations Center, 1999

2407 Princess Ann Street
Greensboro, NC 27408
Telephone:(336) 209-7022    Fax:(336) 282-5219
Email Us

Providing services to individuals and families
 facing dilemmas of life transition and aging.

Generations Center clients include individuals, adult family members and professionals looking for answers to medical, emotional, social and safety issues for themselves or aging individuals. Services include:

You will find the professional, caring expertise needed from our staff.
Services can be short-term or longer, depending on the needs assessed.
Each individual or family situation is respected with confidentiality.

¯   Please scroll down to see a brief description of our services.   ¯


Professional Geriatric Care Management

Families are often stressed when medical crises or functional changes occur. Professional guidance from an experienced, professional care manager often saves money and time.

Finding the right resources can keep a person at home longer, or maximize opportunities for finding the right assisted living or nursing home facility. Our staff can assist with resource linkages to aides, finding services needed at home, and long term care planning. We can help select an assisted living or nursing facility and expedite facility placement in a crisis.

Comprehensive assessment begins the process. Guidance with medical issues, doctor visits, housing options, homecare, legal/financial resources, emotional well-being, companionship, or Alzheimer's services can be arranged. Communication with concerned family or guardians is a key component to relieve worry and guilt.

Whether you live locally or at a distance, we can help with short or long term planning, resources, and decision-making.
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Licensed Counseling Services

Providing care for a loved one can be extremely stressful -- particularly when juggling job, family, church or other demands on time. Likewise, individuals changing living arrangements or experiencing losses can be under considerable stress. We can help process these emotions in a healthy way by assisting in the search for  balance and resolution. Counseling services are available at our office or in your home. We work with companies to provide employee support/educational groups on aging parent and life transition concerns.

The Sandwich Generation monthly education and support group is a free service facilitated by our director, Wendy Schaitberger, LCSW. It is designed to provide a supportive forum for caregivers experiencing stressors. Isolation and anxiety often compound the problems faced by those trying to juggle work, family, health and community responsibilities while providing care for an aging or chronically ill person. Please contact us if you would like more information.

Practical, solution-focused counseling relieves anxiety, stress, guilt and depression. Call us for a consult.

Health Care Planning

Living Wills and Health Care Powers of Attorney are critical planning tools to ensure that your wishes and those of your relative or guardian are respected by the health care system, hospitals, and doctors. Many adult children find it difficult to discuss these issues with their parents. At times, lack of these documents can cause emotionally difficult confrontations among family members when a health crisis arises. In the unfortunate circumstance of Alzheimer's Disease, it is often impossible to legally have people sign Powers of Attorney or Living Wills. This can lead to emotionally and financially catastrophic results for all concerned.

We are prepared to assist you with completion of Health Care Powers of Attorney or Living Wills, often saving expensive attorney fees. We are also experienced with the denial, resistance and counseling issues involved for family members and senior adults. Contact our office if these vital documents and family issues are of importance to you or your relative.

We work closely with attorneys and other professionals who are experienced with elder law issues, financial resources, durable powers of attorney, and wills.

Please contact The Generations Center for professional referrals in these vital legal and financial areas.

Workshops and Training

Aging, life transition, and care giving involve emotional and practical decisions. Information can address and reduce fears that accompany life's unknowns. Workshops are tailored to the interests of the group members.

We provide educational workshops and training for companies, allied professionals, facility staff, community organizations and clinicians. Workshops are lead by experienced and licensed professionals. Examples of commonly asked questions that arise with families and professionals are provided below.

Contact us to help plan your training, meeting or workshop.

About the Founder

picturebro.jpg Wendy Schaitberger, LCSW, founder of The Generations Center, has over ten years of experience with Hospice, home health care, and counseling. Wendy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, a Professional Geriatric Care Manager and has extensive experience with family and individual transition issues. She is credentialed by the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers as an Advanced Professional, and is a member of the National Association of Social Workers.

Wendy is a frequent speaker on issues confronting families related to aging loved ones, depression, anxiety, healthy aging, and life transition issues. She is the facilitator of The Sandwich Generation Caregiver Support and Education Group in Greensboro, NC and has published articles on advocacy and geriatric mental health issues. She is well versed in the financial, legal and psychosocial problems confronting families and individuals in a changing culture.

Educational credentials include:

We have the professional experience to help you understand your options -- and empower you to find solutions that best meet your needs.
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Frequently Asked Questions

The Generations Center can provide answers to these difficult questions.

The Generations Center, LLC
2407 Princess Ann Street
Greensboro, NC 27408
Telephone:(336) 209-7022   Fax: (336) 282-5219
Email Us

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Last updated March 27, 2003.