Welcome to Malaysia

Asia Pacific Conference

Acupuncture,Homoeopathy, Oriental & Complementary Medicine

APAC 2000

Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia 3,4 & 5 th September 2000

Hosted by

National Research Institute of Acupuncture -MNRIA &

The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia

Address: No.1, Batu 5 1/2 Lorong Masjid Kg Chicha, Kubang Kerian,
16150 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.

Tel: 09-7643349 , 09-7440440 Fax 03-2983242 , 09-7437400

E mail: mnri_acupuncture@yahoo.com or



Invitation APAC Conference 2000 Malay / English.

Topic of Discussion

Invitation Letter 1

Apac Committee 1

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