9-11 will forever be in our hearts. Our fallen comrades will forever be in out memories. Always remember, all gave some, but some....some gave all. God Bless America.

Macon Rural Fire Department has been suppling the citizens of Macon with fire protection and other emergency response for the past 33 years. Thanks to the help and donations from the people in and around the town of Macon, this organazation has been and still is a great success. This web page offers a little history and "backstage" information on the station. If you need any futher information of have any coments on the page, please don't hesitate to let them be known. Send an e-mail to macon910@hotmail.com if you have any questions or comments. Thanks! 

Standard Operating Procedures
First Responder Program
Where is Macon?
Past Chiefs
Honoary Members
Fireman's Prayer
Ode To Volunteer Fire Fighters
Truck For Sale
Recall on Smoke Detectors

Comments or suggestions...

Page created by:  Chris Pegram