This song "Lean On Me" is Dana's favorite song.  Please click on song title to listen. You must have real player or mp3 to listen. Click Here to listen.  
  Dana's battle with cancer  

  Hello,,,, My name is Sandy and this webpage is to inform you about my daughter Dana, including the dramatic and often frightening changes that have occured in our lives. Dana is now 12 years old, but this webpage will give you a idea of what this childs l i fe has been like for the last 6 years. Dana was diagnosed with Leukemia when she was 7 years old. This day was the first day of an agonizing ordeal in our lives. Dana's life turned into a life of not going to school, not being with friends, not even, simp ly, being able to walk out of the house. Dana's treatments were going to last 2 years, and this would begin the nightmares and worries associated with keeping this disease in check. Many battles during the next two years are just too scary to tell. Dana f in ished her treatments and we thought the leukemia was gone, but, just 3 days before being a year finished with her treatments, she relapsed. With this relaps she experienced things that were so much more serious than before. The leukemia was so much more aggressive this time. Dana went through some treatments that were able to get her back in remission, but then we were faced with another battle. We are now faced with having to received a bone marrow transplant. The doctors agree that this is the only pos sible cure. The doctors have discovered Dana had a chromosone that wouldn't let her body fight the leukemia, so a bone marrow transplant was the only answer. Let me take this time to try to share some photos taken during this time if I may.

Dana at 7 years old her first week in the hospital.    
    This is Dana's second week of her treatments and knowing her hair is due to fall out at any time some friend bought her all these different hats.  
  Dana with a Child Life Specialist and friend Laura    
  We had cut Dana's hair really short to prepare for losing it.    
  You know when something likes this strikes your child you want to question God, but instead I had to just remember that God loves my child so very much I just have to leave her in his hands.  
    Dana finally lost her hair and getting that moon face caused by the steriods. She is with Dr.Lightsey from Medical College of Georgia.  He has been part of a team of doctors that has been treating Dana now for 6 years.