berkeley bipolar support group

Berkeley Bipolar Support Group

A chapter of the

Depression Bipolar Support Alliance

Click here to Email us Counter

We are a support group for people with mood disorders,as well as their family and friends. Whether you have Unipolar Depression, Bipolar (Manic-Depression) or schizo-affective disorder, we provide an environment where you can discuss your concerns, life issues, and treatment. Because acceptance of your condition is an important first step towards recovery, we believe participation alone is substantial accomplishment. please join our supportive group.

Meeting Location:
All are welcome Thursday evenings, 7-9 PM
and for only diagnosed people, there is a small
group that meets on Saturday between 11AM-1PM
Alta Bates Hospital, Herrick Campus
Maffley Auditorium, Level A
2001 Dwight Way, (near Stattuck Ave)
Berkeley, California

Mailing Address:
Berkeley Bipolar Support Group
P.O. Box 3604
Oakland, Ca 94604

Useful Links:


Mood Scale

Other Support Groups

Resource List

Shelter Referrals

Contra Costa County Referrals

Emergency Berkeley Shelters

Emergency Berkeley Meals

Housing in Berkeley