Welcome to PanicFree's HomePage

I am a student at the University of Florida and I suffer from Panic/Anxiety Disorder. I have suffered from these attacks off and on since about 1993. Although, I first realized what I was going thru then, there were signs of this disorder in my childhood. My attacks are brought on by stress where I do not feel I have control over the situation. It is also more pronounced when I have not been following a regular diet and sleep routine. I have created this page to bring awareness to the subject and to let people know there is hope...this is real...you are not crazy.

Panic/Anxiety Disorder is a result of a biochemical imbalance that can be treated. Thru regualar diet, healthy living, understanding, and in some cases medication, Panic/Anxiety can be overcome. It is important that you understand what is causing you to feel this way so you can stand up to it and keep it from ruling your life. If you don't then you are missing the best that life has to offer. With the help of a very dear friend of mine, I have been able to put together this page to provide you with the resources to learn more about this disorder.

Helpful Links:

On-line Evaluations Available "The Doctor is in"

National Anxiety Foundation

Center for Anxiety and Stress Treatment

Panic/Anxiety Attack Resource Site

Century City Panic Attack Center

Panic attack or Heart Attack

Agoraphobia and Panic Anxiety

On Panic Attacks

Amazing Man

Dietary Restrictions for Anxiety and Depressive Disorders

Panic Anxiety Attacks a Nightmare

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