1 A.M...2 A.M...3 A.M...
4 A.M...5 A.M....Daylight...
Still awake?
Then you've come to the right place...

Hi there! Our names are Sara and Amm. We're experts on the subject of insomnia. Now, don't get confused, neither of us are doctors. For God's sake, I'm only 15. I'm not Doogie Howser. But we've had so many sleepless nights, we're experts. Trust us. So sit back, get a cup of tea and enjoy the page.

--Amm's Sleep Bio
--Sara's Sleep Bio
--The Insomniac Files
--Doctor's Orders!
--The Experiment
--Random Insomnia Insanity*updated 12/29*

Questions? Comments? Or are you just looking for a fellow insomniac? then mail us!

**5 January, 2003**
The links are down, the information is outdated, and the counter is long gone. Does anyone visit this site anymore? I would appreciate it if you emailed me (Sara) if you have stumbled across this site and you enjoyed it... and consequently want that I keep it as is. if more than one person emails me and tells me, "Yes! your information kept me entertained as I tried to fall asleep but failed miserably!" then I will keep it and try to update it a little more often than i have in the past. If no one emails me, then this whole page, sadly enough, will die. sorry guys. I just don't know what to do with this anymore.
cheers from your webmistress,

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