SAGE WITCH....Welcome!

A site for those ... also fighting the good visit other view points... not be pushed aside or taught to suppress valid feelings during a time of crisis. Speak out! A growing number of Americans are Pagans, citizens of their state and members of the civilized community. Please feel welcome here.

Even when we are far away from our altars, even though we may fill our lives with caring for others, there are little things we do that are the spells of our practice. We perform these through the meals we make, when we light a single candle (maybe on a birthday cake), when we bathe a child or bring an elder an extra blanket. We do spells when we dig the weeds out of our garden to let the herbs grow, when we watch our children play soccer, or when we make love. These are all spells, affirmations that are part of our Pagan lives. With each task we perform each day, we should consciously commit. When we reach out a hand to dry a tear, or nurse a baby, or write a letter (e-mail) feel the task, concentrate on the doing and be happy that you can. When I do find time to straighten my altar, light some incense or perform a rite within my circle, it�s just that little extra effort I make that reminds me of what I accomplish every day.

Fighting the Good Fight...

A Pagan Crede.

Full Moon


An Ivy Site


Baby Naming Ceremony