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Navy Ball 2000

Gantayet Says Hi!
Gantayet's Web 


Welcome to my Web site!
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Hey Guys! Sorry this site has not been updated by the LAZY-BUM ME!!! Am minutes away from upgrading it! So bear with me! Am sure the minutes are going to be days --- and days to weeks!!! Hope me can get over the Laziness!!!! :-( Trying man! Can't fault someone who is trying!! Can you???? ;-)

I am named "Subasish Gantayet", yeah! thats how my school certificate names me! A pretty complicated name, but grows on you!

First things first! My Birhtday is on 28th Sep. Do love to receive B'Day cards, but only the snail mail type. No, would hate you if you send an electronic one.See snail mail address below. Hey, guys - it would be great if you could drop ijn during the party too!!

Something about me:

  • Belong to the beautiful state of Orissa, famous for its Lord Jaganath Temple at Puri
  • In Orissa, belong to a small village "Paralakhemundi". Spent most of my childhood at "Berhampur" and "Cuttack".
  • Did my schooling from "St. Vincents Convent" school, Class of 83(Guys and Gals out there, get in touch!!)
  • College from the prestigious "Ravenshaw College", Cuttack, Class of 85.
  • And Engineering from "College of Engineering Technology", Bhubaneshwar, specialising in Electrical Engineering, Class of 89. Good Old Days!!!
  • Also did my Master degree (MTech) in "Computer Engineering" from IIT, Kharagpur, Class of 97. Tough but interesting times!!
My Hobbies: 

Playing with my lovely Seven year old daughter, Subhashree (Nisha), and two year old Baby Shreya and keeping pace with their demands for chocolates,softdrinks, "samosas", POGO channel and comics.......

OK! Wifey at the back tells me that  I spend(waste) most of my time in front of my computer  but thats crazy 'coz, who dosen't nowadays???

Do spend the evenings playing Tennis, basketball or badminton in that order. Am a bit of a fitness freak in that I watch all the "Fitness" and "Aerobics" program on the TV, but have yet to move a limb as those hulks. No, haven't tried steroids nor intend to!!!

Eating the good food my wifey conjures up, especially "Idlli", "Dosa", "Vada" with "Sambar" and "Coconut Chutney" is another of my favourite past time. Yup! the secret of all the "tyres" I have accuired in the past few years around the stomach!!

Here's my Snail Mail address (as on 15 Jul 99):

Send me an E-mail for my present address at : with Subject: Present Address

And my favourite e-mail addresses:

Latest : Little Shreya Joins the family

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Navy Ball 2000