Welcome All (this is not a medical based site , these facts are from a group reasearch project. We are in NO WAY giving any person medical advice, this is just a place to look at some interesting facts about steroids!!!!!!)
We are group #2 of Dr. Powers En202 Research Writing class, our topic is anabolic steroids and how they affect society as a whole.
- 1886--French cyclist dies from speed balls(cocaine & heroine mixed) becoming the first known death due to performance enhancing drugs(Coakley)..
- 1930--Synthetic Testosterone (Steroids) were developed in Germany..
- 1945--Germans test Steroids on POW's during WWII..
- 1955--Anabolic steroids introduced into sports, and the U.S. Power sports athletes such as weightlifters and football players began using steroids..
- 1964--Corticle steroids first used for medical purposes. Corticle steroids are used to build muscle tissue, treat gastrointestinal disorders, and for weight gain in children..
- 1972--David Jenkins who won a silver medal for Britain in the olympics was sentenced to seven years in jail for steroid smuggling..
- 1976--Amateur athletic organizations banned the use of steroids among athletes, and the International Olympic committee began testing for illegal anabolic steroid use..
- 1988--Ben Johnson a Canadian sprinter was stripped of his gold medal won in the Olympics at Seoul Korea due to the use of anabolic steroids..
- 1989--International Amateur Athletic Federation passed a law stating that world records and awards would be stripped from athletes admitting to or caught taking anabolic steroids..
- 1993--Nottingham's Drug Dependence Anonymous had steroid users accounting for well over half of their 840 drug injectors..
As you can see the use of anabolic steroids and performance enhancing drugs is not a new problem. It has been around for over 100 years in our society. The use of these drugs is still a growing problem today, and will remain a problem until we take action. The use of steroids in medecine cannot be avoided, but the illegal use of steroids is a problem that can be conquered.
Anabolic steroids are destroying the lives of athletes, non-athletes, and adolescents, and if these drugs are not controlled, sports and society could change dramatically for the worse. Steroid use is on the rise in today's society. Steroids are becoming a part of the lives of many people in all aspects of life. The problem is Steroids are prevalent in athletes (professional, and amateur), males, females, non-athletes, and even adolescents. This can lead to many troubling problems that will weaken our society. Steroids have many side effects, both physical and psychological. The physical side effects can be severe from long-term use of these drugs, and may result in death. This is another major problem with steroids; people will still use them even know the consequences can cause serious disorders and death. Also the psychological disorders make the users of steroids very dangerous to themselves and people around them. Because of these problems steroids are illegal in many countries. It is illegal to possess, sell and use these drugs. As an athlete, there are organizations to test for the use of steroids. This is not stopping people from using them though. Athletes who are tested are finding ways of passing tests, and just testing athletes lets a large percentage of the users slip by. That is why we feel that and alternative is needed to help stop the spread of steroids in our society.

- Cancer...
- Liver Damage...
- Feminizing effects in males (growth of breast tissue)...
- Male attributes in females (deepening of voice, excessive hair growth)...
- Enlarged clitoris...
- Shrunken testicles...
- Limb loss...
- Heart disease/heart attacks...
- Physical addiction...
- HIV/AIDS from the sharing of needles...
- Reduced sperm count...
- Impotence...
- Infertility...
- Baldness...
- Pain and difficulty urinating...
- Enlarged prostate...
- Baldness...
- Smaller Breast in women...
- Menstrual cycle stops...
- Adolescents experience premature closure of the growth plates (stunted growth)...
These are some of the physical side effects associated with steroid use. As you can see these drugs can affect the body in a very negative way. Despite all of these proven side effects people are still taking steroids. These side effects may not appear in all users at first. It is likely though with the long term usage of steroids that one or more of these side effects will occur in the user. These can be minor changes in the body and they can be extreme changes. It all depends on the dosage and duration of the usage. These are very good examples of why not to take steroids. Doctors are still discovering new side effects today, and there are still a lot of unknown problems with the newer more advanced steroids that will turn up. The trouble is people are taking steroids to look better and get stronger, faster, and quicker with no effort. What they are actually getting is a body that is like a time bomb waiting to explode. These drugs may help you look good for a short period of time, but they are also destroying the users body.
- ROID RAGE (extreme uncontrollable aggression due to high levels of testosterone)
- Irritability..
- Aggressiveness...
- Depression...
- Mood swings...
- Altered libido...
- Psychosis...
- Mental addiction...
These are the psychological side effects associated with steroid use. The use of steroids can lead to a persons whole personality changing. The users testosterone levels are at amazingly high levels-so high that they become a danger to themselves and others. Users of steroids have been known to pick fights for no reason, attack family members, and kill people. With the roid rages, changes in moods, depression, and psychosis users are mentally unstable. They can harm or kill themselves, and people around them. There have been many cases of suicide and homicide related to the use of steroids. These are the side effects that should concern people the most because this no longer just involves the users, but also the people around him.
- Survey administered to kids in fifth, sixth and seventh grade (ages 9-13)
- 5.4% of all middle school students reported using steroids...
- 2.6% were males...
- 2.8% were females...
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Household Survey on Drug Abuse.
- 1,084,000 adult Americans have reported using steroids...
- More males uses steroids than females...
- In 1997, about 175,000 teenage girls reported taking anabolic steroids at least once within the past year, an increase of
100 percent since 1991....
- 44.5 percent of seniors feel it would be fairly or very easy for them to get steroids...
- 2.7% of Highschool seinors reported using steroids in 1998...
- Substances And Methods Banned by The IOC.
- Stimulants (Amphetamines, Caffine, Cocaine)..
- Narcotics (Dextromoramide, Diamorphine, Methadone, Morphine)..
- Anabolic agents (Anabolic steroids, [Beta]2 agonists)..
- Diuretics (Acetazolamide, Chlorthalidone, Spironolactone)..
- Blood doping (administration of blood)..
- Pharmaceutical, chemical, and physical manipulation of samples (spiking of urine samples)..
- Alcohol, Marijuana, Local Anaesthetics, Cortcosteroids, [beta]-blockers..
- Steroid use is growing fastest among 12-17 year old males, and the average adolescents begin using steroids at age 15 (Lovitch).
- The number of male highschool athletes using steroids is 6.6 percent and out of the 6.6 percent, 40 percent are hard-core users(Denham).
- Professional Speakers
- STAR Educational Program...
- ATLAS Educational Program...
- Life Skills Training...
The use of steroids in our schools and communities is a problem that has been lingering with us since the 1950's. We feel that with the help of these three organizations the majority of the users could be stopped. Our educational curriculim needs to stem past the use of scare techniques in drug education. Students need a new style of teaching, one that will help them get interested in there education. the listed programs above are all designed to achieve this goal.
- The STAR program allows the community as a whole to get involved with drug education. It includes the parents, schools, and mass media into educating the whole community. Throughout the learning process each group involved is interacting with the other to help out. The program has had some pretty impressive results, seniors who started the program in Jr. high showed 30% less use of drugs, 25% less use of cigarettes, and 20% less use of alcohol (Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter, par3).
- The ATLAS program is not as large as the STAR program, and is not involved with the community. This is a program dedicated solely to the use of steroids by high school athletes. This program consists of seven 50 minute sessions led by coaches and team leaders. This program offers education and alternatives through diet and weight training. In these sessions the athletes get to learn both of these(diet/weight training) while practicing. This is a fairly new program and did not have any number of statistics to show. However students were asked to fill out questionaires before and after these sessions, and it was reported that the athletes intentions to use steroids were decreased and also they learned good drug refusal skills (Brown University, par2-3).
Life Skills Training
- The Life Skill Training consist of a three year prevention curriculim in junior high, 15 sessions the first year, 10 the next year, and 5 the final year. These sessions teach students, drug resistance, self management, and general social skills. the nice part a about this porgram is that it targets a wide variety of problems, such as self esteem and lack of communication skills. Results of this program indicate that students involved in the program will have 59%-75% lower levels of tobacco, steroids, alcohol,and marijuana than those not involved.
- Denham, Bryan E. "The War on Drugs and the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990" Sports Illustrated Aug(1997):260-74.
- Lovitch, Scott. "Steroids". Harvard Website http://www.hcs.harvard.edu//~hsr/hrs/winter97/steroid.html. (1 Oct. 1999)
- "Students and Steroids." Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter Apr(1997):4.
- MacAuley, D. "Drugs in Sport." Bio-Medical Journal(1996), Jul27, vol 313 issue 7051:211-15.

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