Welcome to my home page.  My name is Tammy and I'm on a journey to health and weight loss.   Grab a nice tall, cool glass of water, pull up your chair, relax, and take a look around at all of the wonderful information contained in these pages.

My strategy for losing weight and being healthy includes: 
-eating healthy foods
-drinking lots of water
-exercising 4-5 times weekly
-journaling my food and exercise in
Dietwatch software (my DW name is prydnjoy)
-learning all I can about nutrition and exercise
-sharing motivation and inspiration with others that have the same goals
-maintaining a positive attitude along the way.

Below is information and links that I have found useful, and my hope is that you will also. If you would like to exchange support and motivation because you're working to be healthy also, I'd love to hear from you.  Any thoughts or suggestions on this page are also welcome.  A link to my e-mail address is at the bottom of this page.  Also, please take a moment and sign my guestbook on this page.  If you have a website, please let me know and I'll visit and sign your book, too.  Please note that this site was started July, 1999.  Check back as I will often add and update information.  Enjoy your visit :-) !
*The following pages are loaded with links to useful articles and information.  Please bookmark this site so you can find your way back after all the browsing.
Believe in yourself
in the power you have
to control your own life
day by day

Believe in the strength
that you have deep inside
will help you show the way

Believe in tomorrow
and what it will bring
let a hopeful heart
carry you through

For things will work out
if you trust and believe
there's no limit to
what you can do!
Please take a moment to sign my guestbook. Thanks!
Thanks Sharon for the award :-)

In the following pages, you will find articles and links that I have found on the internet or have been sent to me by others who share in this journey to better health.  I hope you find this information helpful in your journey, too.  I have tried to find and credit the source for each piece of information; if it is not listed, I have not been able to find the original source.