Growth Hormone Scams

In October of 1999, I traveled to Juarez Mexico and purchased a three month supply of Norditropin for $136.00 for 12 IU. Not a bad price, but what an inconvenience to make four trips per year.

Before my supply ran out I found a company in South Africa called (alias) The Human Growth Hormone Dispensary, (alias) The Human Growth Hormone Pharmacy, now called  The Nutropin Depot . It's exactly what I was looking for, turn key and affordable. When I was jumping around their site I couldn't help but think they were hand in hand with Genentech, the manufacture of Nutropin AQ. They were using Genentech's inserts and even linked to their web site. I sent email with concerns about customs and this was their reply.

While under the name of The Human Growth Hormone Pharmacy, they were selling a fictitious product called Nutropen, with an e. (pretty slick) and check out the disclaimer they even dropped an "n" out of Genentech. (you slick bastards)

As of April 1, 2002, they have shut their site down. More than likely they will emerge with a new name and face. If anyone comes across a site fitting the criteria listed here, please email below so I can link to these bastards.

I was sold and ready to order and was sent my conformation and payment instructions. I followed the payment instructions wiring money prior to delivery of the shipment (sucker). I waited patiently while Thursday rolled around and no prescription, so I sent this email . So you wonder what came Friday...........nothing. SCAMMED, LOCK, STOCK, AND BARREL.

Now I'm pissed, When I contacted Genentech here in the US this was their reply . Go figure. I'm the guy you see walking down the street with the big rainbow colored sucker on his shoulders. This is no sock in the eye to Genentech, they produce some of the worlds finest hormones, wish I had some.

I email these folks on a regular basis and they are aware of my web site, I challenge them to SUE me.
I would love to know who and where they really are.

Recent email I have received from people who were scammed by the Dispensary.

Almost a sucker list.


For those researching HGH, an unlimited source of information on HGH, doctors, and pharmacies try Quality Counts or Buying Growth Hormone In Mexico

A legitimate source here in the US with an easy and convenient plan is the Renaissance Rejuvenation Centre

I'm not saying that everyone selling growth hormone on the internet is a scammer. A fine example of an honest person is Ellis Toussier, in Mexico.

Ellis has been helping Americans to buy real growth hormone since June, 1998. He carries references as long as your arm, and I can't see anyone in the US beating his prices. My first order with him was in 1999, when I placed an order that was shipped to my doctor in Juarez. After plane fare and handling fees the price per IU came to $10.33.

But in June, 2001, it was even easier: Ellis helped me buy authentic growth hormone and delivered to my door, legally, in the United States. The cost this time was even less than before, and I didn't have to travel to Mexico... it was delivered to my home! (Read about my experience with Ellis Toussier here .)

If you have a prescription for Growth Hormone, Ellis can help you to buy growth hormone at the best price I have found anywhere in the U.S. Using PayPal, my shipment was at the door in two days. It simply doesn't get any easier than this!

For more details see Ellis' page at Buying Growth Hormone In Mexico (

In Cancun Mexico and the Bahamas, there is Matrix Pharmacy, LTD and World Pharmacy who sends only portions of your order. To read Gary's testimony click Here

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If you have comments or suggestions, email me at