Ok, I am Lea, I have AD/HD. I am 20 years old and this is 'My Baby'. The reason as to why this site exists, is because I was diagnosed with AD/HD in November 1997, and I wanted to find out more about ADD and ADHD. I searched the internet for any information about ADD or AD/HD and the more I searched the more I realised what I found was written by either parents or professionals who had never lived thelife of a ADD or ADHDer. I realised that if I was to make my self concentrate (A hard task for anyone with ADD or AD/HD!) hopefully I would be able to produce a website to fill that crucial gap. (I hope I have helped fill it a little!) I hope you enjoy your time on my AD/HD site and when you have finished your trip you sign my guest book. Thanks again for spending some time with me. I hope you have a plesant 'Surf' Together we can fight ignorance, on my own I can't. AND REMEMBER YOU CAN'T CATCH AD/HD |
UPDATES 25 March 2002 - Journal -Thank You 6 February 2003 - Journal - DLA Success 22 January 2003 - Some new poems by me - Journal 21 January 2003 - Links - Journal - Myths on AD/HD 20 January 2003 - A new photo of me - My Journal is back! - More Poem's by Lol 17 January 2002 - A Poem by Lol 14 January 2003 - Thank You Page - A Poem by Lol |
MYTH ADD & ADHD can be caught |
MYTH Only boys have ADD or ADHD |
MYTH You can grow out of ADD or AD/HD |
MYTH ADD & AD/HD are caused by bad parenting |
MYTH Only Americans are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD |
MYTH There is a cure for ADD or AD/HD |
MYTH ADD & ADHD are only treated with medication |
MYTH Having ADD or AD/HD means your stupid |
MYTH Having ADD or AD/HD is escuse for your actions and their concequences |
MYTH You have to be 'hyper' to be diagnosed with ADD or AD/HD |
MYTH Diet causes ADD or ADHD |
MYTH Medication for ADD or AD/HD stunts growth |
MYTH All people with ADD or ADHD have a co existing disorder |
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