"Brave Little Hearts"

These pages where made to educate you about a disease called Billyarea Atreisa! I the creator of these pages was born with this disease and have lived 19 years with it! Billyarea Atreisa attacks the Liver and unlike some of your internal organs the liver is one of the most important and one that you can not live without! When I just a newborn I had a Kasi procedure performed on me to help me live! It worked and I lived a pretty normal life until I was about 9 years old when I had my first GI bleed (internal Bleeding). I was hospitalized for a week and after that I continued to have bleeds until I was about 14 years old when I met Dr. Rosenthal of UCSF. He told us that the bleeds where getting fatal and that I needed to have a Spleenal Renal Shunt! I went in and had the surgery and was in and out of the hospital in six days! I was then put on the Liver Transplant List as low status! I have been on the list for 3 years as low status and 1 year as high status and I am still waiting for a liver to become available! My Love goes out to Dr. Rosenthal and Chris Mudge for all there help! A special thanks to Chris Mudge for all her love and passion! A big I Love you to my Mother and Father for there love and strength! Thank you for reading about me and please SIGN my guest book!

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