This is a work in Progress.....If you found it, chances are, I don't need your help writing html or even if you think I do, remember I am not asking for anything here. I am offering help, not soliciting it. But if you can, Tell me how to help others avoid this desparate situation more effectively, if you want to tell me something....................

This web site is a part of my personal treatment for cocaine addiction, this is what works for me. If it helps you in any way or gives you any ideas on what will help you, it pleases me greatly. If it disturbs you in anyway, maybe you need disturbing. Take it for what it is worth, Everyone has problems, everyone is unique.  What is contained within this site is my story. 

I had been clean from October 4,1999 with a few minor(I thought) slips until I got depressed over something and I had a relapse on February 3 that lasted until the 16th and is over, I have now been clean since February17, 2000.

I truly believe I have found the answer and the long nightmare has ended. I feel better about myself than I have in many years, if ever. This is part of my program, I may, at some point in the future publish the rest of it. What is important to me right now, is my abstinence from illegal drugs.

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This page last updated on Monday, 3-20-2000

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