YumFook Fellowship 飲福團契
Chinese Baptist Church
5801 Beacon Ave S., Seattle, WA 98108

What is YumFook?

The YumFook Fellowship, a ministry of the Chinese Baptist Church, was launched on February 13th, 1997, a week before the Chinese New Year.

The goal of YumFook is to reach out to the restaurant workers in greater Seattle area. An arguable statement says half of the chinese population in North America is working in restaurants or related business. Even if the actual figure is less than half, we cannot deny a hugh number of the grassroot people out there, thus, we can certainly say the field is plentiful.

The working hours for the food service professionals are very unique , ordinary church activities or fellowship programs cannot match with their extended long hours. YumFook is designed to meet the needs of this group in their own language and time.

The primary target group is the people in this profession, of course, their extended family and friends are always abiding. There are no surprises you may find people from a few other professions among us.

Fong Lam serves dimsum at Seattle's Hong Kong Seafood Restaurant on Rainier Ave South in Rainier Beach

Coming up:

Apr 3 Worship & Communion 喜相逢
Apr 10 Family Dinner 家常便飯
Apr 17 Bible Study Matthew 18:21-35 查經 太十八:21-35

on our
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Other links:

Yum Fook Fellowship
Info updated by: Daniel Lai

visitors from 02/08/98

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