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Hyperlexia and Language Disorders

Hyperlexia and Language Disorders - Articles

The Hyperlexia Listserver

For More Information on Hyperlexia

Hyperlexia and Language Disorders-Links

This site has been developed by the parent of a hyperlexic child to provide information related to Hyperlexia and Language Disorders in children ages six and over. Having noted the same difficulty expressed by other parents that I myself have found in trying to find resources applicable to Hyperlexia and Language Disorders in older children, this site has been developed to provide information and links related to these topics.

Often, the communication and social skills of hyperlexic children change dramatically, and for the better, around the age of five. The difficulties these children face are much less noticeable after this time, and yet they are still there, and can still dramatically affect these children, their learning, and their lives.

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This Web Site was created by Charlotte Miller. I welcome your comments and feedback, and invite suggestions as to sites that would be of value to parents of children with Hyperlexia and Language Disorders. Please write to me at

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