Better Births and Babies An Internet Site for Sassy and Savvy Parents

Honest and factual information on pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding can be hard to find. If I haven't answered your questions here, I hope I have linked to a site that does.

1/14/01--I have gotten busy with a lot of other things in life, and unfortunately I had let this page slide. For that I apologize. I'm going to phase out the site at this address in favor of a more concise one at: That's easier to remember for everyone. I'll be placing a redirect here soon, so go and check out the newly updated site at the betterbirths address. I've uploaded my formatting of Dr. Jack Newman's breastfeeding handouts, which are an excellent resource. Next on my list will be searching out sites that are linked to me. Then I will be working on a more extensive book store. Thanks to those who have bought books via my link! I'll be using the small amount of money that earns to buy resources to help the moms in my community. Thanks for visiting and best wishes to you!

[Birth] --Pregnancy and childbirth information pages.

[BestFeeding] --Breastfeeding information pages. In association with

[Books] --Book List and Store.

[About the Site] --About the author and site.

[New Stuff] --My latest upload.

[Good Links] --Good links.

Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV. I don't pretend to give medical advice, I merely present information for you to use as you explore your options and preferences for your care. If your caregiver has any integrity then he or she will respect your wishes and treat you like a grown-up and an equal as you make decisions about your care. Don't you deserve that?

Hot Springs Medical Site Award      

Questions and comments about the site or services? Contact me at:
Regardless of how you got here, or whose frames you may be viewing this through; this page is © Beth E. Johnson 1997, 1998, 1999, 1999, 2000, 2001. Downloading or printout for personal use permitted, all other rights reserved.
This page was born on March 15, 1997. Last update, January 14, 2001.