Hi, my name is Gabi! I was born and raised in Nürnberg, Germany. Then in October of 1981 I got married in Denmark to my husband who brought me back to his hometown in Harlan County, Kentucky in June of 1987, where we live with our two children David and Jamie and our dog Blacky.In December of 2004 we sold our house and moved to Nicholasville, Kentucky, so David can attend the University of Kentucky.
I've had Panic Attacks since 1982, which later developed into Agoraphobia. Living in a small town means there isn't much help available. So when we got wired for the internet, it opened a whole new world to me. I've met tons of wonderful people online with the same problems and finally had a link back home too.
I've also discovered a new Hobby - Experimenting with HTML and Javascript.
So come on in and enjoy your stay.
If you have any links that might be helpful to people like us, please E-Mail me
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Panic Disorder, Anxiety and Agoraphobia
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Meet Mr. Push Me - The Button with an Attitude!
Privacy - You better think again!
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