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Virtual Foreskin Introduction
Another site that goes on about the pros and cons of
circumcision? Yes, but with a difference. This site aims
to present an unbiased view and the longest list of links
to other websites that are for and against
circumcision and foreskin restoration.

So why am I interested?
I'm a thirty-something married male living in the UK
who, up until now, has remained (almost) intact. My
Doctor has recommended I have a circumcision on more than
one occasion to clear up a recurrent medical problem. This is an
option I have to consider. Until fairly recently I had
little idea of what was involved in this procedure and
its outcome. During my schooldays I noted that some of my
friends had been circumcised but I had no cause to be
interested in the matter at the time and missed the
opportunity to find out more. I have moved away from the
place where I grew up so have no old friends to confide
in or ask - seems to be a taboo topic in the UK anyway.
In my quest for more detail I have trawled the
Internet on a number of occasions and read a lot about
the subject. My awareness has grown and I have formed
some opinions. For instance, I do not think that babies
should be circumcised for any reason. Any parent that has
this done to their son must be prepared for the potential
backlash and resentment when he grows up. On the other
hand, later in life if a valid medical problem, e.g.
non-retraction, becomes apparent it should be treated
positively with as little fuss as possible.
Disappointingly there are a number of sites on the Web
that promote themselves as "information" pages
to enable people to make "an informed decision"
but they always seem to promote a single view which is
usually to challenge the need for this operation at all.
Anyway, I will add more material as time permits,
meanwhile here are the links I have found.

Unbiased List of Links
Restoration Sites
Magazine Sites & Forums etc.
Circumcision in the United States: Prevalence,
Prophylactic Effects, and Sexual Practice
E. O. Laumann, C. M. Masi, E. W. Zuckerman,
Chicago, Ill (JAMA 2nd April 1997)
- http://askisadora.com/QA/Bodies/
Isadora Alman's questions and answers page
including circumcision.
- http://babycrib.com/resource/Circum.htm
The Babycrib Circumcision Page
Report offers no distinct guidance on
circumcision - Apr. 1, 1997
100% Circumcision offers little advantage where
health is concerned, but men who are circumcised
tend to have more varied sex (see JAMA URL above)
- http://family.starwave.com/experts/barton/ba061096.html.
Foreskin, care and problems; Schmitt
http://galaxy.einet.net/galaxy/Medicine/Operative-Surgery/Urogenital-Surgery/Circumcision.html Galaxy
Tradewave - Circumcision
Columbia Uni's Healthwise - Go Ask Alice! Home
Ask Alice. Adult male circumcision? Alice, I'm a
guy who's considering being circumcised...
- http://www.drgreene.com/bio.html
Today's Questions and Answers, (search keyword)
Dr. Alan Greene's House Calls
- http://www.fathermag.com/circ
Fathering Magazine's circumcision information and
care of intact boys.
- http://www.housecall.com/sponsors/aafp/topics/cosmetic/circ/page0.html
Deciding About Circumcision, American Academy of
Family Physicians
- http://www.pedsurologic.com/Parker/Home.html
Pediatric Urologic, Information Resources,
Richard M. Parker, M.D., F.A.A.P., F.A.C.S.
- http://www.physiol.usyd.edu.au/brianm/circumcision.htm
Medical Benefits from Circumcision - concerned
with the medical benefits of circumcision and the
increasing amount of medical scientific evidence
to support circumcision.
- http://www.physiol.su.oz.au/brianm/circumcision.htm
Same as above - Medical Benefits From Male
Circumcision, Dr. Brian J. Morris, PhD DSc.
- http://www.rrz.uni-hamburg.de/fo-p1/welcome.html
The importance of checking uncircumcised boys by
Robin Stuart. [I would encourage everyone to
visit this site to understand the psychological
angle behind penile dysfunction, Robin's account
of frenulum breve is close to my own experience]

A warm thanks for hitting this page and taking the
time to read it.
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