E-mail the Director
Information for New Members How to Help an Alcoholic
RACA came into being as the result of a letter written in the summer of 1968 to "The Living Church" magazine by the Rev. James T. Golder, Rector of the Church of the Advent of Christ the King, San Francisco, California. For ten years, Fr. Golder, a recovering alcoholic, had conducted seminars on alcoholism in some of the Church's theological seminaries; for several years he had been a member of the Executive Council's Advisory Committee in Alcoholism. Repeated attempts by the Committee to persuade General Convention to establish a Church-wide alcoholism program had ended in failure. The Advisory Committee was dissolved following the General Convention in Seattle. Fr. Golder tried a different, personal approach, and his letter appealed to other recovering alcoholic clergy to communicate with him. The response was immediate. On 24 October 1968, six of the twenty-two clergy who had replied to the letter came to San Francisco from Arizona, British Colombia, California, Colorado, and Montana to share their experience, strength, and hope. After two days of discussion it was decided to form an association with the name RACA - chosen because of its Biblical connotations (see Matthew 5:22). Each of the priests acknowledged the appropriate name of the organization for each admitted their past behavior was "empty-headed."

RACA's membership has grown from the original six to  335in 2002. RACA's purpose is three-fold:
   1) Mutual self-help
   2) Fellowship
   3) Pastoral concern for clergy with a drinking problem and their families.

Members are ready at all times to support each other and to respond to calls from those who seek their help. Strict anonymity is observed outside the ranks of RACA.  RACA has  produced policy statements, guidelines for bishops in dealing with clergy with addiction problems, and educational opportunities for bishops and members of diocesan staffs.
From the Board of Directors of RACA
Dear Friends:
The Recovered Alcoholic Clergy Association (RACA) is a working fellowship of the clergy of the Episcopal Church. Its membership includes bishops, priests, deacons, members of religious orders, and seminarians who have made successful recoveries from the disease of addiction. Its members are found today in almost every diocese of the United States and in several others churches.
Our Director can also be reached by e-mail at  petercourtney@charter.net.
He may be reached by telephone at 
706-543-1294 x202 (Church)   706-613-8402 (Home)
Father Courtney's address is
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Since 1973 RACA has had a display booth at the General Conventions of the Church, and has participated actively in the formation and function of the National Episcopal Coalition on Alcohol and Drugs (NECAD), known since 1996 as Recovery Ministries. Together our two fellowships sponsor two or three daily "twelve step" meetings at General Convention.
498 Prince Avenue
Athens, GA  30601
FAX: (706) 208-3790.

RACA exists for the benefit of any member of the Episcopal clergy, (including religious and seminarians) or their families, vestries, superiors, or teachers. Calls may be referred to members in various parts of the country for follow through. Callers are asked to identify their call as a "RACA call."

RACA sponsors annual retreats for recovering clergy. The principle one is held in South Bend, Indiana at Fatima Retreat Center. In 2003 the dates are from Tuesday through Thursday, May 13, 14, 15.
The Fall retreat in 2002 will be held in Las Vegas from October 21-23 at the Stratosphere Hotel. The retreats are AA based and include regular times of liturgical prayer, AA meetings and time for fellowship and consultation

People are no longer surprised to discover that alcoholism and drug addiction exist in the Episcopal Church and among its clergy. The problem is no longer hidden, but faced realistically and constructively. Alcoholism is a progressive, chronic, and terminal disease which can be arrested at any stage in its development; it is not a moral problem for which anyone needs to feel guilty or ashamed.

RACA intends to bear witness to this truth at every level in the Church. RACA's special ministry is supported solely by the voluntary contributions of its members and other concerned persons; it requires no dues or fees of its members. RACA is recognized by the IRS as a non-profit organization and all gifts and contributions to the association are tax deductible. RACA solicits your prayers that God will continue to bless and prosper its efforts to serve Christ and His Church through its special kind of ministry. Should you wish to receive RACA's newsletter, make a contribution, or acquire further information, we invite you to contact our office.
Copyright © Recovered Alcoholic Clergy Association, 2002.