Committe members of 1996/1997 are
President: Alzamani
Vice-President: Saravanan s/o Krishinan
Secretary: Azlina Mazzita Mohd.Mohktar II
Assistant Secretary: Alinawati Mohd. Ali
Treasurer: Maseeda Mohamed Yusof
Social Secretary: Kerpagam N
Sports Secretary: Lee Hock Keong
Society Secretary: Chung Tze Yang
Information Secretary: Tan Leng Leng
Academic Secretary: Ng Su Yuen
MEDSOC is a society for the medical students of University Malaya. Many
activities are organised each year for and by the medical students of
University Malaya.
To find out more about the activities organised by MEDSOC click on the links below.
[ Health Fiesta ]
[ Baktisiswa ]
[ Debate ]
[ Munus Games ]
[ Medsoc D&D ]
[ Future Activities]
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All comments can be sent to: um_medsoc@hotmail.com.
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