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Click on the graphic to vote for this page as a Starting Point Hot Site.
I am Vee Tac, the Atrium master,
and I will be your guide.
In this playplace, Vee Tac is a good thing
and you may go asystole without me!
So, if you're ready
grab your stethoscope
and follow Vee!!!
This page was created for nurses and other healthcare professionals
who value their skills and always want to learn,
but need to RELAX!!!
Here you will find silly stories, games, amusements, contests
and you can even learn more about Vee Tac, if you choose!
One word of caution.....
Anyone detected as becoming stressed or too serious during the course
of this program,
will be forced to face the Ventricular Tribunal, who will
undoubtedly sentence you to 1 year of hard labour
servicing a secret group, who will be revealed if you
click this button. Please do not reveal the identity of this group to anyone!!
You are thebrowser to the Atrium