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New Delhi, INDIA


The All India Institute of Medical Sciences is India's apex medical institution, specifically established by an Act of Parliament to show the way for the entire nation in the spheres of health care and medical training.

The department of radiodiagnosis at AIIMS is probably the best in the country and amongst the best equipped in the world. It provides the following facilities:

  1. State of the art subsecond Spiral and Multislice CT scanning
  2. 1.5 tesla MR Imaging with spectroscopy
  3. State of the art ultrasound equipment with Color Doppler and guided interventions
  4. Digital Subtraction Angiography and Vascular and nonvascular Interventional Lab
  5. Breast Imaging services with breast related interventions
  6. Conventional radiology service

List of Faculty Members

Research 2004-5

Publications 2004-5

Awards and Honours 2004-5

Continuing Medical Education Activities 2004-5

Patient care activities 2004-5

Radiology case of the week

Radiology case of the season

Excellent links to Radiology Journals

Click Here to Search Medline (Free)

The AIIMS Radiology Department Abdominal Tuberculosis Imaging Database

miscellaneous links to Radiology and newsgroups

    The Department of Radiodiagnosis, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi - 110 58, India. Fax: 91-11-26588663, Tel: 91-11-26594889

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