Welcome to my homepage on colour vision defects!

This is a page of info, designed to be a huge assignment for my course, so it may not be to everyone's taste. But if you're in here looking for info about all types of colour vision defects, hopefully you'll find what you're looking for!

This home page is designed to inform people about colour blindness, and is focused on how a person with colour blindness will be affected by the condition in career choices.

Here are some links that will attempt to answer most of your questions!

What is colour vision?

So what is a colour vision defect?

How does the brain see colour?

What is the difference between inherited and acquired colour blindness?

How do you measure colour vision?

What are the implications of colour defects in career choice?

Test your Colour Vision!

A little about me!

Links to some other helpful sights on the Web!

The evolution of trichromatic vision
A more detailed explanation for the genetics of colour blindness
Physiological factors that affect colour vision
More on colour vision impairments and careers
Do you see what I see?
Achromatopsia Network

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