Hockey_mom's Home Page

WW Online Pals




Before September 1997

September 1997 Ryan(17yrs)

Celebrating-137.8 Pounds Lost

At Goal Weight-September 1999

My WW Buddies-450 Pounds Total Lost

Hi, my name is Karen. I am 39 years old, married, mother of three teenage boys. I live in New Brunswick, Canada, working full time from home. I enjoy knitting, photography, computer and watching my kids play hockey.

I joined Weight Watchers on September 16, 1997, determined to lose 134 lbs in one year. I lost 95 lbs by the following September, taking me another year to lose the final 40. On September 15, 1999 I reached goal after losing a total of 137.8 lbs. Recived Lifetime membership six weeks later. Even though it took longer than planned, I felt so good about my accomplishments, the extra time didn't matter.

The biggest changes show in my clothes and exercise. I have gone from size 26 to size 10 and am now using the incline on my treadmill, at 14%. I am starting to pick up the pace, and jog for a few minutes at a time. I have joined they gym and enjoy step aerobics 3-4 times per week.

I walk 20 minutes everyday, drink 10-12 glasses of water, and count points on the 1-2-3 Success. I have made a lot of friends, through the Weight Watcher Forum, e-mail and ICQ Chat.

Check out my story... WeighCool . A new online magazine, featuring stories of Wired Weight Watchers, using online "Weight Loss" support.

Anyone that has watched Oprah Winfrey over the years, has seen her successfully win her battle with her weight. By following the 10 steps outlined in her book and video, Making The Connection, I have lost weight and changed my attitude towards exercise. She has been an inspiration.

Weight Watchers Interactive Forum

The Oprah Winfrey Show

Oprah's Book Club

In The Kitchen With Rosie

A Journal Of Daily Renewal

Making The Connection

Recipes With WW Points

Waiste Watchers

Dreama's WW Before and After Photo Page

Weightloss Online

Rea's Big & Beautiful Home Page


Patty's Weight Loss Page

Shellykzo's WW Chat

Please come back soon and visit me.

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