With 25 years of experience in health and science publishing, Joan Lippert has had the opportunity to develop skills in a number of areas. Her CV includes 10 years in magazine management as managing editor of Science Digest magazine, Health magazine, and the Richard Simmons & Friends newsletter. She is currently a freelance medical writer whose credits include:
Heart Insight (American Heart Association):
How Predictive Are Heart Disease Tests?
Help for the Littlest Hearts
Stroke and Seizure
As Only a Woman's Heart Can Be
Quitters Always Win (smoking cessation)
The Clinical Advisor:
Recognizing Illicit Drug Use in Your Patients
Meeting the Challenge of Interstitial Cystitis
Anorexia Nervosa: Dying to Be Thin
Endometriosis: Toward More Timely Treatment
Yale University Medical School Heart Book:
Chapter 2: "What Can Go Wrong"
Chapter 19: "Women and Heart Disease"
As Drunken Driving Drops, Concerns Remain
Meth Infants Called New Crack Babies
Victim Services: A Quiet World of Help
Huffing: The Hidden Drug Problem
Unsafe Toys Lurk on Store Shelves
If You Call 911, Will Anyone Answer?
Richard Simmons & Friends Newsletter:
Numerous articles on fitness, nutrition, psychology
Columbia University:
New Media Go to School
Commercializing University Medical Research
Men's Fitness:
The Unhealthy
Stellar Nutrition: Hollywood Diet
Zone Defense (Barry
The Best Diet on Earth
Living Fit:
Do You Really Need a Diet Program?
New Restaurant (scroll down)
Safe & Sound:
Residential Radon
When the Sky Comes Crashing Down (lightning)
Woman's World (columnist):
About 250 brief articles spanning many health areas
The Writer:
Writing a Publishable Health Article
Encyclopedia Britannica, 1990 Medical Annual:
Suntanning: A Dying Ritual
The Reader's Digest:
You Can Make Exercise Fun
Time magazine:
Motivation: The Psychology of Health (ad section)
Joan's work has also been published in Heart Care Health Monitor, Cancer Care Health Monitor, Arthritis Health Monitor, Neurology Health Monitor, NYU Physician, USAir, The Homeowner, Healthy Kids, Barney, Good Housekeeping, The Ladies' Home Journal, Woman's Day Specials, Redbook, and The New York Times.
Joan is an AMA and APA copyeditor and supervised copyeditors at Science Digest and Health magazines. Her copyediting clients have included Sudler & Hennessey, QD Healthcare, Continuing Education Alliance, Creative Source Consulting Services, and Kelvin Boston's Moneywise.