Fitness, Health and Tanning

Hi I'm Westcoastlady or Desertheat.

I signed up on 10/14/98 19:22:24,
I used to manage a gym and tanning salon. These are sites I found interesting and thought I would share them with you. As I find new sites I will add or delete so this site will be constantly under construction...*smiles* Now I am a bookkeeper and like doing this job. Learning is the key to not being dull and boring.
Supre tanning products
John Abate tanning products
Hosssauce tanning products

Womens health
Anabolic Steroids
FAQ About Steroids
Natural Bodybuilding
Workout Music
Dynamix Music
Personal Fitness Trainer Certification
Idea,The health and fitness Source

Please visit again as I try to update and add when I have the time..Thank you for visiting. Here are some easy online money makes for you to join. Takes only a moment. Thank you.


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