Hundred Plus Homepage

The 100PLUS e-mail list is an electronic gathering that focuses on the special concerns of those of us who have known the burden of 100 or more extra pounds. Those of us who have been morbidly obese know that we often identify more closely with the experience, strength and hope of those who have suffered similarly. This list is patterned after the "100 Pounders" Overeaters Anonymous meetings in cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and Washington, DC. However, this list is open to anyone who desires to stop eating compulsively.

Although this list is not a registered OA meeting, it is a tool of communication for use within the OA fellowship similar to the telephone. This e-mail list follows the 12 Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous as its guiding principles. We are not affiliated with any other organization, e-mail list, or institution. The 100plus e-mail list is a special focus group for those who have lost or need to lose 100 pounds or more but is open to anyone who wants to stop eating compulsively.

To subscribe to the list, send an e-mail message to:

Leave the subject line blank, and in the body of the message write:

subscribe 100PLUS your_first_name your_last_initial

You will receive some computer generated messages asking you to confirm your subscription and that provide information on how to use the list. To send a message to the entire list, just send a regular old e-mail message to

Hundred Plus FAQ

OA 100 Pounders Meetings

Links to other related sites

Email Hundred Plus

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