SunnyShine's Corner
SunnyShine's Corner is written from the perspective an adult, female survivor who is a multiple. A multiple is another name for Dissociative Disorders. I, Sunny, invite you to browse these pages. Inside them, you will find me - you will find Us.
Important Message:
I apologize to all
visitors who have sought this personal page, Sunnyshine's Corner. It
was taken down in 2002, after my therapist of 8 1/2 years suddenly lost his
license because of his negligent actions. My life was not sunny
for a very long time, I went through years agonizing, trying to put my life
back together.
I was a victim in childhood - I was a victim in adulthood, a victim of
someone whom I entrusted my life. It saddens me greatly and the trauma
of what happened has yet to be resolved. To learn more, visit this
It is this first day of January, 2006 that I am feeling safe enough to allow this webpage to re-exist.
Who am I? Who are we? That question is yet to be answered. I am 44 years old. I am a mother of four children ages 4,15, 19, and 21. Lately, I have been the substitute parent to several children, many not in school. I am a wife, married for 24 years. I have been an educator, a graduate college student, and a secretary. And yes.....I am a multiple also. Living within this body are many, many wonderful parts who have helped me to survive.
Media has portrayed multiples in a very negative light. We are not freaks, psychotics, or schizophrenics. I am not a spectacle for people to stare out, to ask rude questions, attempt to "see" my parts in action, or provide themselves with endless jokes at my expense. We are survivors in healing.
Multiples live very common lives, complete with all the stresses that singletons have. I work, take care of my family, drive a car, write checks, and so forth. I have never been arrested, never committed a crime - in fact, I have never even had a speeding ticket! To look at me, I look no different than anyone else you know. I do not have books or movies written about me, for that is not how I choose to share myself. One of my goals from the very beginning is to be normal - to appear as normal as any other individual walking the face of this earth. Only a select few personally know the depth of my pain, the amount of effort it takes to be normal, and the daily issues with which I struggle.
As you may read within the pages, my life has not been easy. I have suffered at the hands of my parents more than most could ever imagine. It is because of this abuse that We are. Dissociation became a creative form of surviving the abuse, and I owe my life to this.
It is wonderful to have survived, but healing is not wonderful. It is hard, and painful. There are many, many people in this world who are hurting, who suffer from the same thing. We are human beings who have been hurt and can heal!!! We deserve to be happy, to love ourselves, to love and be loved by those around us. We deserve to be freed from our past. I have a long way to go - but someday, I will be healed. Until that time comes, I want to reach out to others, to inform people.
NOTE: This page is being
remodeled after being absent for so long -- please be patient with us. We
hope to have it all updated soon --- so please continue checking back.
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