Endometriosis is a puzzling disease. With no known cause (only theories) nor a known cure, women and men around the world can only learn to live with the disease. This page is intended to help people learn about the disease and read about my story.
What is endometriosis?
Living with endometriosis can be a difficult and trying time. We are often misunderstood and not taken seriously. Here is my story.
Lupron can be a godsend to some victims of endometriosis. I kept a journal of my progress on Lupron and after.
It has been quite a while since I actually updated this site. Unfortunately, when yahoo acquired geocities, I was unable to log in. Then my life got busy and this page got put on the back burner. For an update, I got married and had a little baby boy. He is now 8 months old. He takes up alot of time and energy, but he is worth it. Although I worried about getting pregnant at first because of the endometriosis, in the end, anything is possible.
What exactly is this Lupron medication I am talking about?
Here are some links to other pages with information on endometriosis, infertility, and related topics.
The pictures >of my laparoscopy are here (all of them this time). If you wanna see what I looked like on the inside when they cut me open,
click here.
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