MoonDansyr's Crater

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength. ~Corrie Ten Boom

Hello :-) My name is Kathy and I'd like to welcome you to my home page! Some of you may know me as MoonDansyr. The story behind my nickname MoonDansyr) is as follows: I have a 21-year-old son, Daniel. When he was quite a bit younger, his father and I split up and he would go to visit his dad in another town 400 miles away. While apart, we made night-time appointments to look at the moon simultaneously while talking on the phone, so even though we couldn't be physically together, we could still be sharing time. The first time I visited a chatroom, Daniel was probably about 11 or 12 and sitting with me - - it was to meet a family member who lived across the country and we were saving on long distance (this was before cell we owned a cell phone). I entered the room as "Kat" and Daniel wanted me to change it to have something to do with the moon, thus MoonDansyr was born.

I am now 41, a married mother of three wonderful children and now a grandmother of the cutest little boy, ever! I live in Indiana. I'd like to tell you what my profession is, but I have so many. I did the 9-5 routine for years, working administratively in the medical field for nearly 16 years. However, after Allyson was born, I quit to be a stay-at-home mom. That was a very drastic change than what I was used to. Now, I work hard at a scrapbooking business called Close to my Heart and also do woodworking. Both are hobbies, but I do want to eventually financially contribute to the household. I have many interests which include [but are not limited to]: art, cooking, health, herbalism, music, outdoors, pets.
scrapbooking woodworking.

I have a wonderful husband of ten years, Travis. Here are some pictures from our wedding.

Travis and I have two beautiful daughters, Allyson and Emily.

Here are a few family pictures.

We love our craftsman bungalowhouse.

Thanks for visiting. You can email me at

"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
~ George Bernard Shaw