Dave &  Emily
We live in Georgia
Dave has just finished his residency in Internal Medicine at  UMass Memorial Hospital in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Emily is working at Georgia Tech.
Dave & Emily On Walden Pond

Our Latest Adventures
Emily and I enjoyed our recent trip to Virginia Beach. We shared a Ocean Front    house with our good friends.    The weather was great. The water was a bit chilly but that did not stop championship    boogie boarding!

No announcements this month
WEDDINGS! No announcements this month
(6/8) Emma Green          (6/22) Alicia Carlos
(6/17) Alex Bertke          (6/25) Martha Warlick         
(6/19) Keyur Patel (6/27) Devon Rainwater         
(6/21) Beverly Sears

Picture Gallery
Madison's Homepage
Where did Tatum's Pictures Go?
Dave & Emily: Martha's    Vinyard , Walden    Pond98, Virginia    Beach99 .

Dave's New Toys
I am the proud owner of a Palm Vx!  Finally upgraded the ole Palm Pro.

One of my new hobbies is scanning for deals at the online auctions.  Placing live bids is pretty fun and somewhat addictive. Here are links to some of the Webs more popular auction sites:
Sporting Auction
Internet  Auction List
Surplus Auction

Here are some of my favorite links
Friend's Hompages
Doug  Out , Quadrum Consulting
Autoweb,    The Auto Channel , Car & Driver          Car Talk
PC Games
ABC CNN Time , USA Today
Happy Puppy    Stratics
Search Engines
Alta  Vista , GO          , Infoseek , Lycos , Yahoo
CNet   , PCWorld , ZDnet

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Page created by: davedo@geocities.com
   Changes last made on: 10/15/2000