To Rehn and Scouty's Productive Procrastination Site...
Last Update: January 07, 2007
Hello there!! Thanks for dropping by. Here's the most recent update of our lives:
It has been awhile since I graduated from University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (May 22, 2000), or worked as a post-doc at University of Washington, Department of Comparative Medicine (concentrating on Laboratory Animal Medicine while dodging my student loans for few more years). I finished my training at UW in June, 2004, and have now moved to the State of Massachusetts with my partner Rehn since then. I am now working for Charles River Laboratories as the Director of Veterinary Services in the Transgenic Services division. I am also the Attending Veterinarian at the University of Massachusetts Lowell campus. Since moving to Boston, I've passed my specialty boards and am now a Diplomate of the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine. Life is good, but very busy here.
Rehn, on the other hand, is now a student in the Masters of Nurse Practicioners program at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). She is working hard and kicking a** in class. We now live in Charlestown, so it is quite easy for her to go to class, as we live only 10 min. away walking distance. Her focus is emergency and critical care, but I personally think she can take that and station down at ABC of Everest and tend to those with high altitude emergencies.
Let's see...what else is new...well, I still have my 2003 Mini Cooper S named "Squishy." She is a fully loaded Indie Blue/White cutie that has the power to make people smile. Other than Squishy, we did trade in Bananie, our 2001 Yellow Ford Escape, for Elloise, a 2004 Lexus RX330. Elloise is super comfortable to drive, and quite the "butt-saver" on our cross country drive. Unfortunately, the Townies of Charlestown seem to hold a grudge against Elloise, and "accidents" often befalls her. We still have our two cats, Zoe and Simon, as well as 1+ fish tank(s) full of tropical fish. Everyone's well, and I will try to post and update the pictures soon (no promise how long that will take though).I will try to continue to keep this website activated so that you (friends, family, or total strangers) can catch up (somewhat) with us. I don't have as much free time as I used to now...*sigh*...
Don't be a stranger!! Drop us a quick note and say HEY!!
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