"HeartSavers Of America" A CPR, First Aid and Wellness Promotion training information Center
HeartSavers Of America offers a wide range of CPR, First Aid, and Wellness Promotion courses. Content of the CPR course can be designed for a specific group, ie, courses for restaurant workers, corporations, etc.. HeartSavers Of America is operated by Doctors who has dealt with Actual medical emergencies. All courses are taught according to the American Heart Association guidelines.
You can contact us about upcoming courses in the New York Metropolitan area or about having us conduct a course at YOUR SITE via e-mail, or by phoning,
If an unconcious person goes without oxygen for more than 10 minutes, brain death will occur. In New York, the average response time is OVER 10 MINUTES !
Upcoming Courses In Westchester and New York CityA,B,C of C.P.R
Management of Adult/child/infant airway obstruction
The basic First response program was designed to teach you to handle basic emergencies. The course will cover the following;
© 1997 savaheart@hotmail.com