Balance: New Zealand Manic Depression Network New Zealand flag

Are you subject to Manic Depression / Bipolar Affective Disorder and do you live in New Zealand?

One percent of the human race are subject to this disorder so there are 30,000 of us in New Zealand.

Support groups have sprung up in a number of our cities and a move is being made to form a National Network. Some support groups are run by health professionals but a growing number are run by people with the disorder.

The purpose of a Support Group is to

  • Publish information on the disorder locally.
  • To have regular meetings to provide support.
  • To have meetings with knowledgeable speakers.
  • To have social outings.
  • To act as a "buddy system" whereby members maintain contact with each other.
  • To maintain contact with the National Network.

The purpose of the National Network is to

  • maintain contact throughout the country using a regular phone link and a newsletter.
  • To encourage the formation of Support Groups in areas which do not have them.
  • To seek and maintain international links.
  • To publish information at the national level.

Convenor Michael Wiltshire 76 Virginia Rd, WANGANUI 06 345 2264

Contact people in the various centres are as follows:

AUCKLAND Alasdair 09 827 7949
CHRISTCHURCH Elizabeth 03 366 5815
DUNEDIN Julia 03 477 2598
HAMILTON Gavin 07 849 1641
INVERCARGILL Murray 03 218 3488
KERIKERI Eric 07 849 1641
NAPIER Anna 06 843 1077
NELSON Jeanette 03 546 6857
NEW PLYMOUTH Kevin 06 7534546
PICTON Helen 03 573 7533
WANGANUI Michael 06 345 2264
WELLINGTON Anne 04 385 0062
WESTPORT Murray 03 789 5055

Visit related sites:
Mood Disorder Association (South Australia) Inc.