General Stuff :
My name is Bob. Late 50's, 6 feet, 185 lbs, blue eyes, reddish hair, and athletic build. I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA then joined the Navy to learn how to fly. Came to Florida and fell in love with it. I was a Navy jet pilot for 28 years and flew off of aircraft carriers all over the world. Presently I'm a semiretired civilian who has time to smell the roses and is blessed with three scampering granchildern. No I don't miss the flyboy life. Have passed into another dimension of life and exploration. Stay in excellent shape, lift weights, roller blade, bike, camp, scuba dive and anything else that's healthy. I have a dive boat that I use to dive the wrecks in the Gulf of Mexico. My home is on the water which I share with squirrels, raccoons, fox, doves, hawks and other peoples cats & dogs. I try to have a holistic approach to living. By that I mean tending to all the elements of my being--spiritual, mental, and physical. As we grow in maturity "use it or lose it" becomes more real. |
Studiously explore the kalidoscope of wonders the world has to offer taking copious mental notes along the way. Smell the wind and taste the dust of the trail. Hang out with the creatures that live in the wrecks beneath the waves. Always aware that time is the only limiting factor. |
Just a few of my fields of interests are psychology, archeology, paleontology, history, politics, physical fitness, diving, naturalist, herbology, biology, music, movies, cooking, sewing, travel and on and on. I love the feeling of having my own time on my hands. I can explore a day away and have nothing to show for it at the end but the feeling of freedom itself. |