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THIS SITE has moved to www.hepcvsg.org. All updates are via that internet address. Please update your favourites.
The best Canadian site with the most up-to-date information on everything hepc related is my good friend Sandi's My name is Darlene Morrow and I started this website in 1997 when I first began treatment. At that time it was interferon only but in 9 months I qualified for the clinical trials with Rebetron. I didn't substain a response and have suffered permanent nerve damage in my neck as a result.This makes doing computer work painful. I will therefore not be maintaining this site.
There's a lot of good info here. Background stuff and general hepc info. I hope it will be useful to people. I have managed to scrap enough cash together to keep the domain name registered for the next 7 years. So HepC VSG. will get you to the place where I am hosting the website. I have run out of room on Geocities so I am transferring things over.
I wish good luck to everyone and hope they find a cure for this disease in our lifetime.
Today's date is April 8, 2004. I have currently been undergoing hyperthermia treatment in The Netherlands for the hepatitis C. This hyperthermia was a clinical trial and was a one time only operation where the entire body's blood was heated to 41.8C over a period of 7 hours.
This was followed by induction therapy using regular interferon 10 million units a day plus ribavirin (1000mg/day) for one week, 5 million units of interferon plus ribavirin for an additional week then 1.5 micrograms of PEG interferon weekly plus 1000mg daily ribavirin.
I have been having a lot of trouble with the drug side effects but I did go PCR undetectable within one month of beginning treatment and have remained so. I will complete the therapy at the end of March 2004 and will update everyone then.
When I find the energy, I will post some additional info on the hyperthermia treatment. Click here for the full story on the hyperthermia. See www.hepcvsg.org/hyperthermia.htm more info.
Take care.
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This site was last updated on April 4,th, 2005.
Information and advice is not intended to be used in place of professional medical advice. Ask your doctor before acting on any advice to be sure it's right for your particular health situation.
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