WELCOME to my web pages!! I have a variety of things here, such as a poetry page and literary links, information and resources on mood disorders and bipolar disorder, and some of my favorite links I've found on the web. I hope you enjoy!!
Email me at: starlily78@aol.com
Full of literary links for all writers. If you are a writer you'll find this web site a massive
place of information. Zuzu Petals also has a film page too! A list of resources that give advice and information to writer's about a whole range of
topics. Go on in to the Reading Room and choose one of the 3800 titles. You can search
through them by author, title, or subject classification. Links to pages dedicated to authors, literary e-zines and electronic libraries.
Free online bingo where you can win small cash prizes. Sign up and check the schedule
for the next game! Many games to choose from, may different types. Win prizes. Online bowling game. It requires ShockWave (plug-in). Most games require Java, ShockWave, and/or Real Audio. If you don't have them you
can download them here. They have a long list of all types of games, from cards to pinball.
This page is in the making but has a link to a meessage board for those with mental illness that need support. In the future it will have links and other resources. Information and articles on mood disorders, treatments, drugs, and more. Here's some good advice on "What to do (on and off the web) while waiting for those
antidepressants to kick in". There's also a lot of really good links to check out here too! Lots of information on mood disorders, particulary bipolar disorder. "Your comprehensive information source for bipolar disorders and other mood disorders." Another good site with information on mood disorders. Depression and mania scales designed to let you or the doctor see the severity of your
mood. If you have bipolar disorder or depression you may want to print this out.
The mailing list's homepage. Subscribe to the list here if you have depression or manic
depression and need support. Subscribe to Walkers for support for depression or bipolar disorder.
Please send comments and correspondence to: You are visitor number: The Poetry Page
Bipolar disorder
Writing and Literary Links
Mood Disorder Links
Cool Stuff (misc.)
Writing and Literary Links
Zuzu Petals Online
Writer's (Stumbling)
Internet Public Library
Online games
The Bingo Zone
Riddler Games
Online Bowling
This and That
Mood Disorder Links and Resources
The Mood Forum Message Board
Mailing Lists
Roses and Thorns
Cool stuff (Misc.)
National Charities Bureau
National Endowment for the Arts
The Aviary
Budgie Madness!
Columbia House
Guitar World Online
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