The sites that I am interested in joining this ring, are those dealing with eating disorders. If your site contians information, or links to information. It can also include, personal stories, or anything dealing with this disease. Basically any site that has one of the above mentioned, or similar to those mentioned, are welcomed to join the ring. I do not have a list of rules because the main reason is because I am very open-minded and I believe that everyone has a right to express themselves (or web page) as they want. The only exception I have for letting someone join the ring, is if your site will offend or discriminate against someone else. How To Join The Ring??
Just fill out the form below and send it along. Upon approval you will be sent a personalized version of the ring's HTML markup code to include on your homepage. You must use the code sent to you, copying the source code from another member's site does not work! The code may not be altered except for the size of the logo (see below). Once verification is made that the code was properly inserted, your site will be added to the ring (usually within 24 hours). Please note that I, the manager, reserve the right to reject or expel a site from the ring at any time and for any reason. If that should happen, you will be notified by email with an explanation why. NOTICE: when you receive your codes for your site, you must put them on as soon as possible. Only once you've place them on your site and notified me by email, so I can check if your codes are right, then and only then will you be officially admitted to the ring. Questions? Write the ring manager
Jason Roach Copyright © 1997 |