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Welcome to
Becky's Home Page

Men Working



Hi! I'm Becky, also known as Rivka. I work at Prince George's Hospital Center in Cheverly, MD. I'm a pharmacist but spend most of my time playing with computers. I'm the "Speaker to MIS" for the Pharmacy and "Speaker to Pharmacy" for the MIS folks. Mostly I work on integrating new software into the Pharmacy, design databases to help the Pharmacy staff better manage their data, help our Clinical staff design reports, and generally keep the computers in the Pharmacy working.

In my free time, I enjoy science fiction and going to science fiction conventions. I'm also in an organization called the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), a medieval living-history group. Some of my hobbies include medieval dancing and crossbow target-archery.

Meet some of my family! Click below to meet:
My husband, Harold Feld
Our son, Aaron
My sister, Nomi Burstein
Her husband, Michael Burstein
My father, John Pearlman, generally known as Abba

We've been slowly moving our pictures to our .mac site. To see picture from our recent trip to Israel as well as a couple of family pictures, click here.


Here are some of my favorite web sites - beware, though, that many of the links are out of date. I'm working on fixing them.

Becky's Bookshelf New!
Medical and Pharmacy links
SCA links
Fun Places to Visit


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