A page for all seasons, all reasons

Hello fellow cybertravelers!

My name is George Vassiliades. I live in Oakland, CA and I am a Real estate Broker and Property Manager. I have created Home and Investment Realty. I help people, buy, sell, refinance and invest in real estate. I am Marriage and Family Therapist but i am not practicing right now. I have graduated from San Francisco State University with a Master in Counselling. I did my undegradute degree at Western Maryland College now called McDaniel College and I come from Cyprus.

I am also Sai Baba devotee. Sai Baba is a living saint in India.

Check out Robert Natzemy's Armoniki Zoi (Harmonious Living) web site. I consider him my teacher, and his work is what made me want to become a therapist.

In this page I hope to provide you with some interesting links, at least interesting to me, and eventually some unique stuff stay tuned...

Links to sites of metaphysical and spiritual content

Magickal.net is an extensive website on everything New Age, run by my cousin's es wife :)
Damanhur is a New age Community in Italy. This is worth checking out... you will find some surprises.
Virtual Vegetarian and Vegan.com are self-explanatory. Yes, I belong to the minority of Greeks that do not eat meat... not a vegan yet... :)
Dr. Richard Boylan is a famous researcher on UFOs.
Krishnamurti Foundation of America.
A Theosophical website.

Links to sites with lighter subject matter

San Francisco city guide .
Click here to Take a picture of yourself. In real time...
I love the X-files (television show).
Subbuteo !!. A table soccer game, and the passion of my youth.
I am also a member of MENSA. If you do not know what it, i am not telling, as i do not want to brag :)
Send a postcard from Cyprus.

© 1996-2006 To contact me 420third at gmail.com



And this link will have pictures of my dogs Sai Bonzai and Mini-Me someday.