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The wonderful world of ancient civilization on South Ural

Features in Brief
  • Arcaim was found as a craft industry city in 1800 b.c. (1000 years erly then famous TROYA!)
  • Arcaim was a centre of stoc-breeders and bronse metallurgical production
  • First burials of chariot warriors!
  • Arcaim settle down in Russian South Ural Steep

Learn More about Arcaim phenomenon

The settlement ARCAIM, which is situated on the Ural, in the Chelyabinsk region, is the exceptional world and Russian archaeological discovery.

Arcaim, units in itself features of settlement and earlier city, it's these unique monument of the epoch of the civilization's becoming.

Many different beginning indissolobly bound in the Arcaim. Simultaniosly it was a temple, a fortress a craft center and long lived settlement.

Arcaim wasn't already city, but it was that place, where were burning the elements of city culture.

Supplemental Resources
If you are interested about Russian Steep archaeology question and wish to take part in discussion this problem we invite you in Chelyabinsk :-), but if seriously,
email: nikushka@geocities.com