TRI-S Non-Toxic Products

Welcome to the TRI-S for Wellness Support Page

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In this age when bread and milk must be fortified because processing has depleated them of all nutrition, when it is safer to live in the wilderness than a city, when "Social Security" isn't so secure, each of us must be responsible for our own personal, environmental, and financial wellness.

This page is dedicated to providing information and links that will lead to optimal wellness.

Food, Nutrition, and Supplementation - Myth, Miracle, or Science

Events we sponsor

Water - Are you Tapping the Best?

Motivation and Success


November 1999

Links to other sites we've found helpful...
Our Personal Shaklee HomePage
Shaklee Corporate HomePage
Media Library Manager


Write to Sue or Scott or WebMaster

... Since 1 Jan 98 ...

Thanks for visiting
Updated 23 March 2000